Sources |
- [S927] Obituary.
About Bach, Catherine
Could this be Catherine Bach Ludwig`s Mother??
Bach, Christina Bach 2nd obit
Spirit of Democracy, Woodsfield, Ohio, dated, May 1, 1890
Mrs. Christina Bach was born June 3, 1817, at Harmstadt, Germany, diednear Lewisville, Ohio, April 18th, 1890. She was married in 1840 toJohn Bach with whom she emigrated to Ohio. Resided in Malaga, MonroeCounty, until 1850, from thence to Wayne Township near Lewisville,where she resided until her death.
Her remains were interred in the Luthern Cemetery at Lewisville.Funeral services conducted by Rev. Egger. She united with the LuthernChurch about 58 years prior to her death. Mrs. Bach was the mother ofeight children, four sons and four daughters, two of them, one son andone daughter, with the companion of her youth, having preceded her tothe better world, leaving six children to mourn the irreparable losswhich the ruthless hand of death made in the family. Her influenceover her children seemed to be almost unlimited while the regard whichher children was truly unbounded. She died as she had lived forceful,emphatic, definite and wholly trusting in Christ with clearestconsciousness of present and full salvation and with particular lusterin the hour of trouble and disappointment.
While health permitted she was always found at her post in the houseof worship, a noble example to the survivors of her family.
May her children follow her footsteps and meet with father, mother,brother and sister where parting is no more. She was a kind andaffectionate mother, a good mother, a good neighbor and dearly belovedby all who knew her. Her loss is deeply felt in the entire communitybut we mourn not as those who have no comfort, we have a blestassurance of meeting above.
CARD OF THANKS-The children wish to extend their sincere thanks to theneighbors for their kindness during the recent illness of Mrs.Christian Bach, now deceased.
Bach, Mrs. Christian Bach
Spirit of Democracy, Woodsfield, Ohio, dated, April 24, 1890
Mrs. Christian Bach, of near Lewisville, who was stricken withparalysis a few days ago died on last Friday.
Interment in the Luthern Cemetery at Lewisville on last Sunday.
- [S926] Find-A-Grave, (
Christena Hein Bach
Birth: Jun. 3, 1817
Death: Apr. 18, 1890
Evangelical Reformed Church Cemetery
Monroe County
Ohio, USA
Created by: Virtual Cemeter...
Record added: Nov 23, 2004
Find A Grave Memorial# 9949918
- [S8] Information from an informant - Auskunft eines Informanten - Information d'un informateur.
Proposed Change: Christina Hein (I73429)
Tree: Südpfalz / Southern Palatinate
Description: Burial: Evangelical Reformed Church Cemetery, Lewisville, Monroe County, Ohio, USA
Christina is here;
There're already 14 people in this cemetery. I mean to add 8 & eliminate 3 cemetery list from Monroe County, Ohio.
Mariner's Knoll Genealogy USA
Mariner's Knoll Genealogy USA