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Posted By: mark evers
Subject: Re: Feiock South Dakota
Post Date: April 18, 2008 at 19:33:17
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Forum: Feiock Family Genealogy Forum
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Hello again Heather. If Edward is your great grandpa, then that makes us second cousins. Something like that. Edward and his sister, my grandmother, Bertha were 2 of 11 children. Thier other siblings were Lydia,1890-1976, Paulina, 1891-1983, Gottlieb, 1892-1985, Elizabeth, 1894-1946, Edward, your grandpa, 1897-1967, Gustav, 1900-1933, Mary, 1902-1989, Bertha, my grandmother, 1903-1972, Jacob, 1905-1929, Rosa, 1908-1950 and Christina, 1909-1995. Quite the family, eh. My grandmother married Frederich Junkert and they had 8 children. Harry, 1921-2000, Erna, 1924, Esther, 1925-1998, Milbert, 1927, Gladys, 1929, Loreen, 1934, Darlene, my mother, 1936 and Clarence,1940. I remember a few thing about my grandmother but we didn't live in the same town, so we didn't get to see her much. She was a very strong woman with a tender heart. I remember her giving us Fig Newtons behind my moms back and that she drank a lot of coffee and smoked like a chimney. Her house was very small so we didn't have large gatherings there. She used to make awesome German pastry. I have been researching my mothers family tree for a while now. My mother only remembers a couple of Bertha's siblings. She doesn't remember anything of Edward. I do have some pictures of Bertha and her family and one of Edwards and Bertha's father. I could email them to you if you like. I have a couple of questions if you dont mind. Where do you live. I live in California. How old are you? I am 47. If you have any other questions, go ahead and ask. It might be easier to communicate through regular email. My address is It is deffinately a small world, huh? Mark