Sources |
- [S927] Obituary.
Jacob F. Christman [Source: The Spirit of Democracy Issue: Woodsfield, Ohio, Thurs., Aug. 3, 1905]
Jacob Friedrich Christman, aged 27 years, of near Miltonsburg, Ohio, died July 25, 1905. He was born December 23, 1877, in Seneca township, Monroe County, Ohio, the son of John C. Christman and Eva Pfalzgraf Christman. Deceased was a member of the Lutheran Church, Middle Church. He leaves his wife, Anna Kathryn Claus whom he married December 18, 1902, and one child, Lawrence Henry Christman. The funeral took place Thursday, interment at the St. John=s Middle Church cemetery, near Lewisville, Ohio.
- [S927] Obituary.
Christman, Jacob F. Christman
[Source: The Spirit of Democracy Issue: Woodsfield, Ohio, Thurs.,Aug. 3, 1905]
Jacob Friedrich Christman, aged 27 years, of near Miltonsburg, Ohio,died July 25, 1905. He was born December 23, 1877, in Seneca township,Monroe County, Ohio, the son of John C. Christman and Eva PfalzgrafChristman. Deceased was a member of the Lutheran Church, MiddleChurch. He leaves his wife, Anna Kathryn Claus whom he marriedDecember 18, 1902, and one child, Lawrence Henry Christman. Thefuneral took place Thursday, interment at the St. John`s Middle Churchcemetery, near Lewisville, Ohio.