Sources |
- [S58] Familienregister Dahn 1683 - 1800, Alfons Helfrich, Bernhard Braun, Gabriele Herold, (Pirmasenser Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Familienforschung, August 1997), 164.
- [S8] Information from an informant - Auskunft eines Informanten - Information d'un informateur.
Proposed Change: Family: Johannes Georg Schreiner / Anna Maria Barbara
Herr Tree: Suedpfalz Link:
Description: Johannes Georg in the I.G. records is listed as Georgius as
in his marriage (Germany Slect Marriages 1558 - 1929). His wife is listed
as Barbara Herr and they got married in Busenberg, not Dahn or Schindhard.
Family Search suggests his parents are Johannes (1656 - 1741)and Anna
Maria Unknown (1656 - 1690) with his second wife Apollonia Metz (1657 -
1737). Both married in Schindhard.
Carey Peters
- [S58] Familienregister Dahn 1683 - 1800, Alfons Helfrich, Bernhard Braun, Gabriele Herold, (Pirmasenser Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Familienforschung, August 1997), 167.