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- Marriages: The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregon Surname: Bride, Kohler, Garthaffner Submitted by Earline Wasser [} July 2004 ******************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http// ******************************************************************************** USGenWeb Archives
License # 2976 Date 9-2-1922 Amiel Weslie Garthaffner and Alice Mary Kohler Vol. M page 257 Affidavit for Marriage License George E. Fitzgerald being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with Amiel Weslie Garthaffner of Wasco County and Alice Mary Kohler applicants for a Marriage License; that he knows the former to be above the age of 21 years, and the latter to be above the age of 18 years, and that said Alice Mary Kohler has resided in Wasco County, State of Oregon, for the past six months. Affiant further says that he knows of no legal impediment to their marriage. (signed) George E. Fitzgerald Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd day of September A.D. 1922, W.L. Crichton, Clerk By Matt Duffy Jr. Deputy Certificate of Marriage This is to Certify That the undersigned, a Minister by authority of a License bearing date of Second day of September A.D. 1922, and issued by the County Clerk of the County of Wasco, State of Oregon, did on the Fourth day of September A.D. 1922, at The Dalles in the County and State aforesaid, join in lawful wedlock Amiel W. Garthaffner of the County of Wasco in the State of Oregon and Alice Kohler of the County of Wasco in the State of Oregon with their mutual assent. Witness my hand: This Fourth day of September A.D. 1922 Reverend E. Goudge, Minister or Priest solemnizing ceremony. Signatures of Contracting parties: Amiel W. Garthaffner " signature of groom; Alice Kohler " Maiden signature Bride. Residence of Minister or priest The Dalles Authority to solemnize marriage recorded in County Clerk?s office of Marion County. In presence of Marjorie Smith/P.J. Guinan, Witnesses Recorded September 8, 1922 (signed) W.L. Crichton, Clerk By Matt Duffy Jr. Deputy Copied with permission from The Dalles