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Micheal Bollinger Family
Micheal Bollinger was born May 6, 1870, in Neudarf, Russia. Margaretta Huber was born Sept. 20, 1874 in Glucksthal, Russia. They were married on Jan. 28, 1897 in Russia.
The reason for leaving Russia was for freedom of religion. They left in 1903 with their two children, Jacob and Carrie. Freddie, their first born died in Russia at the age of four. They arrived in New York and came to Redfield by train. After spending only a couple of days in Redfield, they came to Seneca.
Here they stayed with Mrs. Bollinger's parents. That summer they worked for Mr. Rudolph Reinecke. The following year they lived near Mother Bollinger's uncle.
They worked for him in the fields. The children were left with a cousin who lived nearby. The cousin went to the Bollinger home to bake her bread. She started the fire to heat the oven. Somehow the fire got out of control, burning the home and all of the Bollinger's belongings. They were left homeless with only the clothes on their backs and three children. Friends and neighbors opened their hearts and homes to them.
Alma, Katie, Maggie, Lydia, Adolph, Jake, Rose, Carrie, Martha, Emma
Later they purchased land seven miles northeast of Tolstoy. Here they built a humble home and other necessary buildings. It was all prairie, complete with many rocks. They cleared the land of rocks and tilled the ground with a one bottom walking plow. After years of hard labor and sweat they lost their farm due to drought. They rented farms for several years. In 1918 they purchased a small farm northeast of Tolstoy. They lived here until 1937. At this time they retired and purchased a small home in Tolstoy. Their family members were: Jacob; Carrie (Maier); Katherine (Dufloth); Rose (Klein); (Holweger); Lydia (died at the age of 33); Emma (Bovee); Edward (died at the age of 14 days); Maggie (Boone); Adolph; Martha (Christiansen); and Alma ( Houghton).
They had many hardships in their life time. With faith in God and His loving care they managed to get along. Mrs. Bollinger passed away on Sept. 27 1952.
Mr. Bollinger made his home with his children for several years until he needed special nursing care. He spent 3 1/2 years of his life in a nursing home. Mr. Bollinger passed away on Feb. 24, 1965.