Sources |
- [S2] Familienregister Birkenhördt, Böllenborn, Blankenborn und Reisdorf, 1800 - 1875, Andreas Drieß, (Pirmasenser Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Familienforschung, November 2004), 125.
- [S38] 1880 US Federal Census.
CENSUS: 1880:
Name: Anton Metzger Age: 19 Estimated birth year: abt 1861 Birthplace: New York Occupation: Moulder Relationship to head-of-household: Son Home in 1880: Rochester, Monroe, New York Marital status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Father's birthplace: BAV Mother's name: Catherine Metzger Mother's birthplace: BAV
- [S19] 1900 US Federal Census, (
Name: An Metzger Home in 1900: Rochester Ward 20, Monroe, New York Age: 39 Estimated birth year: abt 1861 Birthplace: Germany Relationship to head-of-house: Head Spouse's name: Mary Race: White Occupation: Immigration year: 1857
- [S30] 1910 US Federal Census, (
CENSUS: 1910:
Name: Anthony Metzger Age in 1910: 48 Estimated birth year: abt 1862 Home in 1910: 20-Wd Rochester, Monroe, New York Race: White Gender: Male
- [S24] 1920 US Federal Census, (
CENSUS: 1920:
Name: Metzger Age: 58 years Estimated birth year: abt 1862 Birthplace: Germany Race: White Home in 1920: Rochester Ward 20, Monroe, New York Home owned: Own Sex: Male Marital status: Married Relation to Head of House: Head Year of immigration: 1863 Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Mother's Birth Place: Germany Father's Birth Place: Germany Image: 657
- [S25] 1930 US Federal Census, (
CENSUS: 1930:
Name: Anthony Metzger Age: 68 Estimated birth year: abt 1862 Birthplace: Germany Relation to head-of-house: Boarder Race: White Home in 1930: Rochester, Monroe, New York