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- ROYAL PIERCE BARRY, a citizen of Melrose, Middlesex County, senior member of the firm of Barry, Thayer & Co., commission merchants of Boston, was born in Boston, December 5, 1839. His parents were Royal Pierce and Elizabeth (Serrat) Barry; and his father, his grandfather Barry, and his great-grandfather Barry, the latter a farmer, whose given name cannot now be ascertained, were all natives of Holderness, N.H. The grandfather, Newell Barry, also a farmer, was a Deacon in the Congregational church at Holderness. He married a Miss Lucretia Howe, and they had a family of seven children.
Royal Pierce Barry, first, eldest son of Newell and father of the subject of this sketch, was born at Holderness in 1813, and there received his education in the public schools. Subsequently he went to Boston, where in 1837 he engaged in the furniture business on Exchange Street, the name of the firm being Barry & Gridley; and he continued so occupied until his death, March 7, 1851. He was a member of the Christian Church, corner Summer and Sea Streets, now on Tyler Street, Boston, and a member and Past Grand of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He married in 1837 Elizabeth Serrat, daughter of Leonard and Margaret (Yeaton) Serrat. Her father, Leonard Serrat, was a native of Landau, Alsace, then a province of France, and had been a soldier in the army of the Rhine. He left his native land, intending to settle somewhere in the West Indies; but the vessel putting into Portsmouth, N.H., for supplies, he was so pleased with the aspect of the place that he disembarked, determined to make it his home, which he did. He subsequently married there Margaret Yeaton. His occupation was that of merchant tailor. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Pierce Barry, first, had four children, namely: Royal Pierce, second; William Francis; Charles Copeland; and one other, a daughter, who died in infancy.
William Francis Barry enlisted July 28, 1862, as a recruit in Company A, Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, under Captain Fox and Colonel Leonard, for service in the Civil War. With his regiment he joined the Army of the Potomac, and took part in the battles of Thoroughfare Gap, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, and Antietam, in the last of which he was killed, September 17, 1862. His body was brought home to Melrose for interment. The William F. Barry Camp, Sons of Veterans, was named in his honor.
Charles Copeland Barry, the third son, above named, was born at Melrose, July 11, 1848. He was educated in the Melrose schools, graduating from the high school in 1864. After a post-graduate course of six months he entered the employ of W. E. Coffin & Co., iron merchants, on State Street, Boston, with whom he remained until they went out of business in 1878. He then became connected with the firm of Ropes, Gray & Loring, lawyers, as confidential clerk, which position he still holds. For the last twenty-five years he has been secretary and treasurer of the Boston Associates, 1874-99. He is a member of the corporation of the Melrose Savings Bank and of the Melrose Hospital, and was secretary of the committee formed for the drafting of the city charter recently adopted. He was one of the founders in 1863 of the Franklin Fraternity of Melrose, and has been a trustee of the Melrose Public Library from its establishment in 1871 to the present time. A member and a Deacon of the First Baptist Church, he has also been superintendent of the Sunday-school since 1878; corresponding secretary, Massachusetts Baptist Sunday-school Association, 1885 to date. He was treasurer of the Massachusetts Interdenominational Sunday-school Association, 1893-98; president, Baptist Social Union, 1895; president, Amphion Club of Melrose, 1893-98.
He was married November 8, 1871, to Harriet Louisa, daughter of Colonel Ephraim and Harriet Newell (Phillips) Moulton. She died December 4, 1885, leaving one son, Charles Gardner Barry, born August 10, 1877, a graduate of the Melrose High School, 1895, now a student (class of 1899) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mr. Charles C. Barry married for his second wife, October 10, 1889, Sarah Maria, daughter of George and Sarah Bigelow Cushing Warren, a native of Weston, Mass. By this union there is a daughter, Eleanor Elizabeth, born June 14, 1896. Mrs. Barry is a representative of the Warren family of New England.
Royal Pierce Barry, the direct subject of this sketch, was educated in the public schools of Boston and Melrose. After completing his studies he entered the employ of Thayer, Rice & Co., commission merchants, 32 India Street, Boston. Beginning as office boy, he wo1ked his way upward, receiving promotion from time to time. In the summer of 1862 he enlisted in Company D, Forty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, under Captain N. W. Bumstead and Colonel Charles R. Codman, for nine months' service in the Civil War, and went with the regiment to Newbern, N.C., joining the Eighteenth Army Corps, under General James G. Foster; was in battle at Kinston, Whitehall, and Goldsboro, N. C., and other engagements. Mustered out at the close of the term of enlistment, he returned to his former position in the house of Thayer, Rice & Co., and in 1865 he became a partner in the business. In 1897 the firm removed from their old quarters on India Street to their present location at 60 Congress Street, where they do a large commission business in cotton. Mr. Barry is a director of the Eliot National Bank of Boston and of the Melrose National Bank. He served two years on the Melrose School Board, and is now a member of the Melrose Sinking Fund Commission; also President of Melrose Hospital Association since its incorporation. He belongs to Wyoming Lodge, F. & A. M., and is a warden of the Episcopal church at Melrose.
In 1864 Mr. Barry married Eleanor M. Jones, daughter of Isaac and Susan R. (Chase) Jones, of Wolfboro, N. H. They have had eight children ? Mabel Grace, Amy Frances, Royal Pierce, Jr., William Thayer, Charles Wingate, Ruth Harriet, Alice (deceased), and Bessie (deceased). The first named, Mabel
Grace, is now the widow of George A. Wills, and resides in Melrose. She was educated in the Melrose schools and at St. Margaret's School, Boston. Amy F. also, who lives at home with her parents, received her education in the Melrose schoo1s and at St. Margaret's School. Royal P. Barry, Jr., who was educated in the Melrose public schools and at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., is now employed as clerk with Barry, Thayer & Co. William Thayer Barry, a graduate of the Melrose public schools and of St. Paul's School, Concord, is in the employ of Cumner, Jones & Co., Boston. Charles Wingate is a graduate of the Melrose High School, class of 1899, and has just entered Harvard College, class of 1903. Ruth H. is at home with her parents.
[Source: Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Publ. 1901 by Graves & Steinbarger; Transcribed by Andrea Stawski Pack]