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Die napoleonische Zeit brachte für die Gebiete auf dem linken Rheinufer eine 20-jährige Zugehörigkeit zu Frankreich. Roxheim lag in der Mairie Mandel im Canton Creuznach, das wiederum zum Arrondissement Simmern im Rhein-Mosel-Departement gehörte. Der Wiener Kongreß (1814/15) zog einen Schlussstrich unter die Folge der napoleonischen Kriege mit europaweit bedeutenden territorialen Veränderungen. Preußen bekam große Teile des linken Rheinufers zugesprochen. Roxheim befand sich in dem am 14.05.1816 gebildeten preußischen Kreis Kreuznach und bildete zusammen mit Mandel, Braunweiler, Gutenberg, Hargesheim, Rüdesheim und St. Katharinen die Bürgermeisterei Mandel. Schon 1820 zeichnete sich eine Verwaltungsänderung ab, indem die beiden Bürgermeistereien Mandel und Hüffelsheim (mit Hüffelsheim, Münster am Stein, Niederhausen, Norheim, Traisen, Weinsheim) zu einer Bürgermeisterei Hüffelsheim-Mandel zusammengefasst wurden. Lag der Verwaltungssitz zunächst in Weinsheim, so wurde er 1853 nach Rüdesheim verlegt. An dieser Verwaltungszugehörigkeit änderte sich, abgesehen vom Ausscheiden von Bad Münster am Stein im Jahre 1912, bis zur rheinland-pfälzischen Kommualreform 1969/70 wenig.
Bobenheim-Roxheim - aus der Geschichte einer Gemeinde
Bobenheim-Roxheim, in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Worms gelegen, das im Mittelalter zu den machtvollen politischen Mittelpunkten der deutschen Kaiser zählte, hat eine weit zurückreichende Geschichte - wenn auch nicht als Gesamtgemeinde, die erst seit dem 7. Juni 1969 besteht. Die beiden früheren Gemeinden Bobenheim am Rhein und Roxheim / Pfalz, aus denen die Großgemeinde gebildet wurde, können indes auf nahezu anderthalb Jahrtausende zurückblicken.
From: "Kathy & Gary Ferrari" > Subject: [REEB-ROOTS-L] RE: St. Clair County Reeb obituaries Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 15:50:43 -0600
Here is some more information for those of you compiling records on the Reeb's of St. Clair County, IL.Andrew Reeb: >From the "Belleville Weekly Advocate" dated Friday, April 4, 1873: "A sad case of smallpox ravage occurred in the southern part of this city on last Monday. Mr. Andrew Reeb, and one of his children both died, after a painful siege of the loathsome disease."Nicholas Reeb:>From the "Belleville Daily Advocate" dated Aug. 19, 1898: "Mr. Nicholas Reeb, a resident of Belleville since 1855, died Monday morning at his residence, 341 Centerville Avenue, after a long illness, aged 59 years. The deceased was a native of Germany, and was born in Roxheim, near Kreuznach, January 10, 1839. He came to America with his parents in 1855, coming direct to Belleville, and has resided here ever since. He was married on September 8, 1859 to Miss Katharine Ehrstein, who survives him. For several years he followed the vocation of a coal miner, and afterwards engaged in brick making, which he carried on for a long time, but of late years he has been engaged in the saloon business. He was a member of the city council in 1887, representing the Fourth Ward. Besides his widow, he leaves the following children: Phillip, John, Peter, Jacob, Mary, and Adolph Reeb, all residing here; also his brother, Peter Reeb, residing in the West End, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabe!th Helbrueck, of East St. Louis. The funeral took place Wednesday morning from the residence to Green Mount Cemetery.Please note that I do have a copy of his marriage certificate, and the date is Sept. 8, 1861. The date of death on his will is Aug. 15, 1898. The Naturalization Index of St. Clair County also shows the date as August 1853. I hope to find records to clarify this last discrepancy.Mary Fricke (mother of Catherine Magdalena--Jacob Reeb's wife whom he married in 1897):>From the "Belleville Daily Advocate" March 15, 1927: "Mrs. Mary Fricke, nee Bertelsman, widow of Theodore Fricke, died Monday night at 8 o'clock at her home, 314 East Eleventh Street, after a lingering illness, aged 76 years, 2 months, and 12 days. The deceased was born in St. Louis January 2, 1849, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bertelsman and married Theodore Fricke, who preceded her in death. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Lena Reeb and Rudolph Roth of this city; Frank and Joseph Fricke of St. Louis; also a brother, John H. Bertelsman. The funeral will be held Thursday Morning at 9 o'clock from the Gaerdner Chapel to St. Peter's Cathedral and Green Mount Cemetery.Kathy Ferrari
Nicolaus Reeb, Elisabetha, Peter 1839, 1836 & 186? 1856 Roxheim, Rhineland, Ger. Belleville, St. Clair Co., IL
Nicholas 17 Apr 1861 B 9 IL Inf. Private Illinois Catharine Reeb
Additional information, including photographs and documents are posted on my web site at: ?
Entries: 44884 Updated: 2005-06-15 22:03:17 UTC (Wed) Contact: Leah Pearson and her family at email:
Dressel - Fitzgerald
Entries: 471 Updated: Sat Feb 23 01:18:28 2002 Contact: Mark Dressel
Father: Philipp Michael REEB b: Abt 1800 in Weinsheim,Germany Mother: Elisabeth FRANZ b: Abt 1816 in Germany