Sources |
- [S446] West Virginia Births.
Name: Amend
Gender: Female
Baptism/Christening Date:
Baptism/Christening Place:
Birth Date: 24 Jan 1866
Birthplace: , , OHIO, WEST VIRGINIA
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: Philip Amend
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Caroline
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C54118-9
System Origin: WestVirginia-ODM
Source Film Number: 857824
Reference Number:
Collection: West Virginia Births and Christenings, 1853-1928
- [S8] Information from an informant - Auskunft eines Informanten - Information d'un informateur.
Proposed Change: Philipp Amond (I87710)
Tree: Südpfalz / Southern Palatinate
Description: W. VA deaths...located another spinster daughter, Mary (surname Amend), b: 1567 and d: Jun 27, 1920.
claire rassman
- [S645] West Virginia Marriage Records, 1853-1970.
Groom name: Philip Amond
Groom age:
Groom estimated birth year:
Groom birth date:
Groom birth place:
Bride name: Caroline Kindelberger
Bride age:
Bride estimated birth year:
Bride birth date:
Bride birth place:
Event type: Marriage
Marriage date: 14 Jul 1860
Marriage place: Wheeling, Ohio, West Virginia
Father of groom name:
Mother of groom name:
Father of bride name:
Mother of bride name:
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Film number: 863796
Digital GS number: 4230086
Image number: 378
Reference number: v 3 p 81
Source: County Records
Collection: West Virginia Marriages 1853-1970