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The Newman/Bowser Family History
Entries: 5209 Updated: 2010-10-03 23:17:02 UTC (Sun) Contact: Dave
Godparent was Leonard KnappThis from Margaret Ann (Dannemiller) Welch;'told about shoveling coal on the ship coming over. I believehe was astow-away. Can't find him on the passenger lists. Talked abouta boy who hadfound an apple and hid it from the guard for fear that it wouldbe taken awayfrom him.Family story about him and his brother or cousin John leavinghome as to begoing to work on bicycles to pass the border guards. Anothertells of beinghidden in a hay wagon and having the guards piercing the haywith bayonets andnot finding them. Possibly having been bribed not to. He livedwith a GeorgeKlein in Akron when he first came here.This from Akron Birch Directories 1862-8Leonard married at 24 in 1881 then in 1882-83, Leonard, astonemason and John,18, a laborer, lived at 356 W North Street, John was boardingwith Leonard.George Klein lived at 713 W. Cedar St. Adam age 16 was notmentioned. Mary,Leonard's wife, was living at 217 North Main Street and workedas a domestic atthe home of John Kolb.In 1883-4 Leonard and Mary (Gast) moved in with George at 713West CedarStreet. George was a stonemason and Leonard was a stonecutter.They bothworked for Wilhelm & Schroeder Company. Mary worked as achambermaid forWindsor Hotel. John worked Buckeye Wholesale and lived at 113Bartges Street.Adam was still not mentioned even though he was 17 years old.(Birch Directorylisted all persons 16 years of age and older.)In 1884-5 Leonard and George both listed as stonecutters stillworked for W&SCo. and lived at 713 W. Cedar St. Mary was not mentioned.First son was bornin 1882 and 2nd born in 1884. Adam was living at 532 E.Exchange St. and wasworking as a clerk at Schoeninger Brothers Co. a butcher shop.In 1885-6 George still lived at 713 W. Cedar St. and Leonard andMary had movedto 422 W. Thornton St. which was south of Akron city limits atthe time. Theyboth still worked as stone masons. I believe that Adam and Johnbordedtogether for awhile at 532 E. Exchange. John still lived thereand Adam hadmoved to 222 S. Union St.. They both worked for SchoeningerBros. Co. asclerks.In 1886-7 John and Adam same address and work listed asbutchers.In 1887-8 Ditto - still working at Schoeninger Brothers at 304South SummitStreet. They eventually bought the meat market and renamed itKleins MeatMarket.Leonard was killed in 1904 in Akron Rubber Company rolling millshortly afteremployment. He lost both hands in the machine, and died,probably from shock, 2 days later. He couldn't speak muchEnglish. Was originally a MasonryCraftsman. He left 13 children with the 14th on the way.Leonard is buried at Saint Bernard Cemetary on Maple Street inAkron, Ohio.