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- Henry Gessele Sr
Katherine Singer
Henry Gessele Sr. was born at McIntosh, County ND on April 25, 1890to karl and Margaret (Wiest) Gessele. Henry’s grandfather Jacob Gesseleand Henry’s parents came from Odessa Russia to the Eureka, South Dakotaarea in the 1880’s Henry was one of seven children, he had two brothersKarl and Edward, and 4 sisters, Louise, Johanna, Rosina and Amelia.
The name Gessele was once written Goessele, but can’t find at whattime or why it was changed. Henry Sr. settled in McLean County with hisparents, the spring of 1903 homesteading 9 ½ miles south of Mercer, ND.Henry’s wife Katherine Singer, daughter of Christof and Christina(Klutsbecher) Singer, was born September 21,1894, in Russia and came withher parents and 1 brother John and 1 sister Magdelene from there tosettle in the Mercer, ND area in 1902. Henry and Katherine were marriedNovember 26,1912. They were blessed with 7 sons and 7 daughters. Oneson and two daughters died in infancy and the eldest son Lenhart died atthe age of 8 ½. Five sons and five daughters living as of this day are:
Theodore born December 19, 1915 married Alvira Berg in 1940 has 2children James of Minneapolis, Minn. And Joyce of Minot, ND. Ted andAlvira are retired and live at Mercer, in the summer and in Arizona inthe winter. They have 2 grandchildren.
Helen born in 1917 presently not married resides in Lake HavasuCity, Arizona, has one daughter Margaret and one grandchild.
Edna born in 1919 married Vernon Lilja 1939, now living in Bismarck,ND. They have one son Lyle and one daughter Donna and 5 grandchildren
Ella born 1923 married Rudolph Berg 1942, live on a farm north ofWilton ND. They have two sons Donald and Terry and one daughter Sandraand 7 grandchildren.
Edwin born 1923 and a twin to Ella married Eleanor Reuer 1950 isliving on the original homestead. They have 3 sons Larry Mark andVernon. They fostered 3 nephews, Gordon, James, and Robert Neumiller.
Arthur born 1925 presently resides at Palm Dessert, Calif. With hiswife Barbara. He has three sons, Tracey, Kelly, and Barry and twodaughters Penney and Jody from a former marriage. He married BarbaraJungkeit in 1967.
Lyla born 1927 married Stanley Nicolson in 1965. Residing inPortland, Oregon she has one daughter Gayle
Leonard born 1929, married Violet Miller 1947 they live by Mercer,ND They have two daughters Sheryl and JoAnn, and one grandchild.
Aletha born 1931 married Arley Vossler 1950, living on a farm 12 ½miles south of Mercer, ND they have two sons, Kevin and Bryan and twodaughters Tamara and Lori and 1 grandchild.
Mervyn born 1933, married Marilyn Schell in 1958 reside in Bismarck,ND They have two daughters Karen and Lois.
Throughout their 56 ½ years of marriage Henry and Katherine wereactive in the communities where they lived. Henry did work other thanfarm work to supplement income to provide for 10 children such as -auctioneering, a highway maintenance man during the thirties, schoolclerk, was employed by the co. ASCS for 10 years or more. He also owneda thresh machine and had threshing crew from 1928 to 1944, when combiningmachines became popular.
Katherina kept busy sewing from flour sacks, milked cows, and didall around farm work to help provide for a large family. She contributedmuch time and energy to church and the WSWS ladies group. Both Henry andKatherine helped plan and build the Bethel Evangelical United Brethernchurch in Mercer in 1952. That church is now merged with the Methodistcongregation.
Henry and Katherine also fostered Nancy marie Miller, who marriedEdwin Auch in 1957 they live in Eldridge, ND and have 2 daughters, Coleenand Terri and 1 son Robert
Henry and Katherine retired from farming in the fall of 1952 movedto Bismarck, ND but it turned out to be a very active retirement.
Henry purchased lawn equipment and did lawn and garden work, whileKatherine did hourly house cleaning and baby sitting. Having had theirchurch membership transferred to Bismarck, again they contributed muchand were faithful to it. Katherine was active up to the time of herdeath. Having won about with cancer earlier she died of a heart block onMay 24, 1968, after 7 weeks of hospitalization. Although Henry hadcancer he was active until after Katherine’s death. He died on February27,1969. their remains now rest in the Fairview Cemetery north ofBismarck, ND
By Mrs. Aletha Vossler