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- Edward J. Gessele
Katherina Bender
Edward J. Gessele, son of Carl and Margaret Wiest Gessele was born inMcIntosh County, Wishek, ND February 4th 1887. He was the third child inage. He had two brothers Henry and Carl and 4 sisters Louise, Johanna,Rosina, Emilia all deceased except Edward and Emilia.
Edwards father Carl, homesteaded on 3 quarters of land in SouthDakota but then sold this property and moved to McIntosh County Wishek,ND. Here is where Edward received his early education he attended schoolup to the 4th grade. His first grade teacher was Thomas Fiedt and theschool term was one month. These classes were held right in his home.Henry From was his second grade teacher, his salary was $25 a month.While in the classroom the pupils spoke English, on the playground theyspoke German. Edward tells of the time when his father drove to Lpswich,SD with two oxen to grind wheat into flour. This trip took five days tomake the 95 miles. In 1903 the family came to McLean County 8 milessouth 1 mile east of Mercer, ND. Here they roughed up a barn and movedin until the sod house was finished. Edward plowed sod barefooted. Withhis hand plow and 4 horses he turned many acres in this area as he wasjust 16 years old.
Here Edward grew to manhood and on March 1, 1910 married KatherinaBender daughter of John and Regina (Wisserd) Bender, she was born inonMay 4, 1889. She was the 8th child in age. She had two brothers Fredand Adolph and 6 sisters. Christina, Caroline, Regina, Philipina, Eva andJustina. Kassel was a small village with homes close together where thefamilies lived. The father and children would go outside the village onsmall farms of about 10 acres in size where they raised cattle, hogs andsmall grains. They plowed with horses and the mothers and children wouldgather wheat heads, pound the grain out then make ties from the straw totie other grain into bundles. Katherina’s father was also a butcher andonce a week went to market with his sausage, ham, pork hocks and freshlyrendered lard for sale.
The climate in Kassel was quite mild so meat handling was not to befooled with. People here never needed heavy clothing, overshoes orgloves because of the temperature. Katherina started school at the ageof 7 but her education was very limited. She was confirmed at a LutheranChurch in Kassel at the age of 15 years.
In March of 1906 when 16 years old, Katherina and her brother Adolphleft Kassel for the U.S., 30 days later they landed at New York then bytrain to Chicago and finally to Fulton, SD. They had only light clothesand the cold wind was blowing briskly at Chicago where Katherinaexperienced her first cold weather. They had fun times on the ship withmusic and dancing, but had on conflict. They were infested with bodylice and had to be treated the first thing when they reached their newhome in SD. Katherina’s fare was $90 --- for this she worked one yearfor a ranger by the name of Daniel Liska. It took about a year beforeshe recognized any American money. The only money she ever had was theone cent offering the few times she got to church services. Katherinachores were to bring in the cows early morning. Milking and householdchores mostly washing dishes. Here is where she ate her first jam, andoatmeal was a treat. She worked in SD 4 years and in 1908 came to McLeanCounty where she met and married Edward J. Gessele in the courthouse atMcClusky,ND. Their witness was Tobias Wall. They then moved 1 ½ mileseast of Edwards home place. In 1911 they had their first child adaughter, Emma. Three months later Edwards Grandfather, Jake Gessele,came to live with them. He made his home with the family until his deathin 1920 In 1913 they had a son Henry, John followed in 1915 they thenmoved to their final farm home in 1916 built a new wood frame home. In1917 they had another daughter Martha. Hilda in 1919, she passed away in1922. In 1918 Edward bought his first car a Model T Ford, for $300.They had two more children, Herbert and Alma.
Emma married Emanuel Hinsz she had 2 daughters Eunice (Mrs. LelandVassler, Elaine, Mrs. C.c.Faudskar, 3 sons; Elmer, married Marlys Russ,Ellan, Barbara Matthew Elroy, Jeanette Garrison.
Henry married Adeline Werner , has a son Ronald, married ConnieHoyer and 1 daughter Charlotte (Mrs. Christ Holwagner) John married EmmaRuck has a son Russell (married Harriet Overland) and Sharon (Mrs.William Hoverson) Martha married Emil Wagner, they live at Wilton, ND.Hilda is deceased. Herbert married bunice Schlakt;they had one daughterJudith now Mrs Dale Moenich. Alma married Thomas Beierle. They had onedaughter Vicki Lynn. There are 11 grandchildren There are 21 greatgrandchildren. 1 great grandchild- Michael Kelly Pochant, son of Claudineand Clark Pochant. Coleharbor, ND
Grandpa Edward and Grandma Katherina moved into Mercer, November 1946where they now reside.
By Eunice Hinsz Vossler.