Notes |
Carl and Ada Ackerman, Jr. with children, Curtis, Carla and Larry.
Carl Ackerman, Jr., son of Carl, Sr. and Matilda, lived his boyhood years on
his parents' farm near Greenway, South Dakota. On March 8, 1934, Carl, Jr.
married Ada Bender, daughter of Martina and Fredrika (Schnabel) Bender of rural
Zeeland. Ada was born June 24, 1914.
Carl and Ada farmed with his parents for two years and then moved to Greenway
where they continued to farm from town. In 1938, the couple moved to a farm
three miles southwest of Greenway. The couple had three children, Larry, born
September 28, 1944; Curtis, born May 6, 1950; and Carla, born August 11, 1957.
During their years on the farm, Carl served on the A.S.C.S. committee in
Campbell County, 24 years of service were with the community committee and six
years were with the county committee. He served a total of thirty years, for
which he was honored upon retirement. Ada was busy raising the children and
helping with the farm. In September, 1975, the couple retired and moved to
Carl and Ada Ackerman, Jr. with children and grandchildren. Left to
right, front row: Ryan, Toby, Jeanie, Ada, Kim, Carla, Jason, and
Traci. Left to right, back row: Curtis, Carl, Earl, Jody, Larry,
Carol and Cheryl.
On January 31, 1964, Larry Ackerman married Carol Schlittenhart, daughter of
Christ and Lydia (Schell) Schlittenhart. Carol was born September 5, 1947.
Their daughter, Cheryl, was born August 15, 1965. On May 23, 1967, an infant
son, Stacy, was born and died. A son, Jody, was born February 4, 1969, and a
daughter, Traci, was born April 22, 1976.
Larry and Carol presently reside in Aberdeen where Carol works at St. Luke's
Hospital and Larry is employed by H. H. Hoffman on a ranch near Mina. Their
daughter, Cheryl, married Eric Hanson on November 17, 1985 and currently lives
in Spearfish, South Dakota.
Curtis, youngest son of Carl and Ada Ackerman, married Jeanie Quenzer, daughter
of Albert and Alvina (Walther) Quenzer, on June 21, 1975. Jeanie was born
August 4, 1957. They have two sons, Toby, born May 15, 1976, and Ryan, born
October 27, 1979. Curtis and Jeanie took over his parents' farming operation in
1975 when Carl and Ada retired. Jeanie works part-time at the Lutheran Home in
Eureka, and Curtis, following in his father's footsteps, has served on the
A.S.C.S. Campbell County committee for the past eleven years.
Carla, daughter of Carl and Ada, married Earl Rohrbach, son of Albert and Ester
(Beck) Rohrbach on October 20, 1973. Earl was born July 23, 1952. They have two
sons, Kim, born February 21, 1974, and Jason, born July 5, 1975. Carla is a
kidney dialysis assistant and works part-time at the Lutheran Home in Eureka.
She also helps her husband, Earl, who has taken over his parents farm and is
running the operation.