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Christ Dais was born January 20, 1901 to George and Christina (Gohl) Dais. He
has eight brothers and sisters, Jacob, Katherine, John, George, David, Martha,
Daniel, Benjamin.
Christ's father, George, Sr., was born February 15, 1863 in Russia and died May
26, 1926. Christina was born March 11, 1863 in Russia and died June 17, 1949.
George and Christina moved from Glucksthal, South Russia in 1889, and, within a
month, they arrived in Eureka. During the spring they stayed with George's
brother-in-law, Jacob Gable. He then claimed 160 acres from the government, put
up a building which served as both house and barn under one roof (made of sod),
and seeded 15 acres of flax. They were hailed out.
In the fall of 1894, George went to Wells County, North Dakota where he worked
with a threshing crew for $1.00 a
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Dais
day. He earned $28.00 to take home. At the time, Christina was at home with
three children. While George was gone, she ran out of food. She walked three
miles to Jacob Bieber's and traded a Russian veil in exchange for a little food
to last until George came home.
Shortly afterward George homesteaded his place. He bought two oxen and a hand
plow. It was not easy to work with oxen. George had to walk behind them, and
when they got hungry, they just went home, no matter what time it was.
In 1919, George and Christina moved to a farm five miles north of Eureka. In
1923, they moved to Eureka. George died in 1926 and Christina died in 1949.
Christ married Ernestina Diede on December 16, 1920. Her father, Anton Diede,
was born September 20, 1867 in Johannestal, South Russia, came to the United
States in 1901 and died August 7, 1956. Her mother, Margretha (Kluck) Diede was
born June 4, 1873 in New Danzig, South Russia and died October 16, 1968. Their
13 children were Katherine, Henry, Ernestina, August, Anton, Martha, Adam,
Gideon, Pauline, Theodore, Alma, Jacob and Sarah.
Ernestina and Christ farmed five miles north of Eureka on the family place.
They had two boys, Edmund, born May 17, 1922, and Edwin, born October 3, 1923.
Edmund was married to Gladys Stoeker. They had one daughter, Lanette. Lanette
married Edward Motes and lives in Florida with their children, David and Buffy.
Edmund died March 3, 1978.
Edwin married Hulda Werth from Lehr, North Dakota. They have two children, Judy
and Jerry. Judy married Leroy Kolb. They have four children. Jerry married
Karen Kurle. They have three daughters.
Edwin and Christ farmed about 1500 acres, and, at the same time, went into
carpentry and building. In 1948, Edwin and Hulda moved to the farm, and
Ernestina and Christ moved to town where they built their first house. Edwin
and Jerry farmed the land from 1966 until 1984. At that time, Jerry took over.
Late in the fall of 1954, Ernestina and Christ sold their first home and built
the house that Christ lives in today. They had a big garden and beautiful
flowers that Ernestina took care of while Christ did carpenter work.
Ernestina died on November 28, 1985.