Sources |
- [S927] Obituary.
This obituary can be found in the Tri-County Record, Kiel, Wisconsin - Vol. 31, No. 48. Issue - Thursday, January 31, 1924 - Page 4, Column 1
Ludwig Kaltenbrunn died at his home here on Friday night after an illness of four days with pneumonia. Deceased was born in Germany in 1851 and came to this country at the age of four years. In 1862 he came to St. Nazianz, settling on a farm four miles west of the village. He was married to Catherine Hausherr in 1875. Ten years ago the couple moved to this village where they have since resided. Mr. Kaltenbrunn's death was a shock and is a loss to the community, as he was a man of good character and was liked by all who knew him. He is also a great loss to the congregation as he was the president of the St. Nazianz Branch 109 of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin and was secretary of St. Gregory's congregation. It was only last week when he closed the books for 1923 and had everything in order. On last Tuesday he took sick with pneumonia. The end came unexpectedly on Friday evening. For many years he was janitor of the church. The funeral was held on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Deibele officiating. Burial was made in St. Gregory's cemetery. Besides his wife the following survive him: daughters, Mrs. Anton Schleh, Mrs. Albert Christel, Mrs. Jos. Gaerthoefner and Mrs. Anton Eberle of St. Nazianz; sons, Anton of Liberty, Joseph and Louis of West Allis and Peter of Racine; brother, Ambrose; and sisters Mrs. Helen Mutzbauer of Milwaukee and Mrs. Anton Schwoerer. All the children were here for the last sad rites. The out-of-town people not including the children who attended the funeral were: Misses Hattie and Louise Mutzbauer, and Joseph Mutzbauer of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. J. Geigel, Reedsville; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schleh, Mr. and Mrs. John Schleh, J. Lutz and the Misses Catherine, Marie and Adeline Lutz of Sheboygan, and A. Connell of Chilton. The funeral was one of the largest held here for some time. Fourteen School Hill Catholic Knights and about 75 of the St. Nazianz branch and 20 members of the Holy Name society attended in a body. Also the Christian Mothers, besides other friends. The six sons of John Riesterer were pallbearers, being relatives of the deceased.
Correction Postnote: This is the obituary of my great-grandfather. Ludwig's wife, Catherine is listed with a maiden name of Hausherr in this article. All research on vital records I have conducted to date list her maiden name as Riesterer - I believe this to be a misprint in the obituary. Also, his date of arrival in St. Nazianz is listed as 1862. My research shows that they arrived in America in July 1855 and I have a copy of Ludwig's sister Helen's birth in St. Nazianz in August of 1855. One daughter, Helen Mahnke (later Helen Michels) is missing.