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- [S926] Find-A-Grave, (
Birth: Jun. 13, 1903 Death: Sep. 12, 1995 Family links: Spouse:Lloyd Henry Fullington (1900 - 1966) ** Reverse Relationships:" boBDY="This relationship was not directly added to this memorial. Rather, it is calculated based on information added to the related person's memorial. For example: if Joe Public is linked to Jane Public as a spouse, a reciprocal link will automatically be added to Jane Public's memorial.
" boCSSBDY boCSSHDR IEbugfix="false" fixX="NaN" fixY="NaN" absX="NaN" absY="NaN" offY="10" offX="10" fade="true" fadespeed=".09" delay="0" windowLock="true"Point here for explanationS1, US NAVY Burial:Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery San DiegoSan Diego CountyCalifornia, USAPlot: A-B, 0, 951 Imported from: US Veteran's AffairsRecord added: Feb 25, 2000 Find A Grave Memorial# 674305