Notes |
- BURKHART-TAYLORThe marriage of. Miss Hilda Burkhart and Mr. Vernon Taylor;both ofBarnesville, will be solemnized in the Church of the Assumption Saturdaymorning, Nov. 13, at 9 o?clock, Father Jerome Rojewski officiating. MissEleanor Brock-neck of Columbus and Mr. Waiter Reischmn of this place will be the attendants and immediately following the cere-mony a weddingbreakfast will be served by the bride?s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Poulton,west of town.The bride is a graduate of the Barnesville schools and has been employedin Columbus recently. Mr. Taylor is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylorof North Chestnut street and is employed in the electrical department ofthe Watt Car Wheel Company. They will go to housekeeping in the upstairsCook apartment on North Chestnut Street.
(Copied from 1937 Barnesville Enterprise)