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George Friday's Shop and House c 1896 (Lot 28)
Board member George Friday was an innovative entrepreneur with a wide range of interests and businesses. He owned and trained race horses, made brooms, and invented a horseless carriage headlamp that turned with the wheels so "you could always see what was in front of you." He operated his own shop and made his own tools and machines as he needed them. He had a physical disability which he partially corrected by making his own shoe with a built-up platform.
Meeting held January 3, 1896
The Board of Health met. A quorum present.
Resolved: that all dogs within the corp. be ordered quarantined by owner or killed against 10 o.clock A.M. [Sunday] Jan 5th and to remain in quarantine until released by the Board of Health.
Wengert aye Muller, aye Menkel, W. O. aye Menkel, Philip, aye Friday, aye
Resolved: that all persons under 50 years of age shall be vaccinated if thought necessary by physician. All such who refuse to comply will be quarantined until released by the Bd. of Health.
Wengert aye Muller, aye Menkel, W. O. aye Menkel, Philip, aye Friday, aye
Resolved: that three guards be appointed by the President to enforce quarantine measures as follows: To be on duty from 7 o.clock A. M to 6 o.clock P.M and to receive 75 cts pr day. Also 1 boy at 25 cts pr day for errands.
Wengert aye Muller, aye Menkel, W. O. aye Menkel, Philip, aye Friday, aye
The president proceeded to appoint as follows: George Friday at north end. Frank Hardesty at south end, and George Reller at middle of town.
Adjourned till Monday evening Jan 6th
Sam Groux, President
Alex Hardesty, Clerk